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Celeb moms use old wives’ tales to predict baby’s gender

From Hilary Duff to Kate Hudson, celebrity moms are using old wives' tales to predict the gender of their babies. Check out some of our favorite tricks to try to guess the sex of your baby.

guessing baby's gender

Are you having trouble waiting until your 18-20 week ultrasound to find out the sex of your baby? Celebrity moms are falling back on old wives’ tales to help predict the gender of their babies. These tricks are not always accurate, but they sure are fun!

Celeb mom prediction tricks

When Kate Hudson was pregnant with her second child, she told the Today show she used old wives’ tales to try to predict the sex of her baby.

“You get a ring and [you tie a strand of] your hair and put it over your belly and it swings,” she said. “Everybody has different methods... it goes in a circle if it’s a girl and it usually goes back and forth if it’s a boy. It’s saying it’s a girl, and I’m carrying so differently than I did with Ryder.”

Old wives’ tales predict if you are carrying low you are having a boy, while carrying high means you are having a girl.

Was Hudson’s prediction of a girl accurate? She gave birth to her second boy, Bingham, in July.

Jessica Simpson is using her intuition to predict her baby’s sex. “I think it’s a girl,” she recently confessed. Her fiance Eric Johnson, however, thinks it is a boy.

Hilary Duff is having sweet pregnancy cravings, saying she is “always up for Red Hots, which is weird because I’ve never liked them before.” If the age-old predictions are accurate, she should be having a boy, and she recently revealed she is having a boy!

Fun old wives’ tales

Here are some of our favorite old wives’ tales for predicting the sex of the baby. Be forewarned: these are not always accurate, so don’t stock up on pink or blue quite yet!

  • Chinese Conception Chart: the ancient chart uses age and month of conception to predict gender
  • Heart rate: less than 140 beats per minute means it's a girl and more than 140 beats per minute means it's a boy
  • Sweet and sour: craving salty or sour foods means it's a boy and sweet foods means it's a girl
  • Face: if your nose spreads, it means you're having a boy and if your face breaks out, it means you're having a girl
  • Hair: if hair grows faster on your legs, it means you're having a boy, but if your hair sprouts red highlights, it means you're having a girl
  • Pain/mood: If you experience increased headaches, you're having a boy while moodniess means you're having a girl
  • Drano gender prediction: mix urine with Drano. If it is brown after 10 seconds, it is a boy. If there is no color change, it is a girl.

Tell us

Do you believe in old wives' tales for gender prediciton?

More on gender prediction during pregnancy

A look at pregnancy myths and old wives' tales
Can diet affect baby's gender?
Should you find out baby's gender?

09 Dec, 2011

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday, December 9, 2011

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